
Archive for the ‘Rick Astley’ Category

Never gonna give you up – Rick Astley

Something that really to me cemented the asininity and damage of irony was the many campaigns to get this song into Triple J’s Hottest 100 of All Time poll they did last year or the year before – i.e. to Rickroll it. Of course every vote it received was rejected – every joke vote, and every serious vote – and hence it wasn’t given a placing at all, lest it spoil the blandest music poll ever held.

How could anyone possibly take this song seriously? Because it’s a fucking great song. How could anyone possibly take this song seriously in the face of irony? I demand to see the ballot results, if the ballot were even run and wasn’t just predicted by someone working at the radio station. People who love this song, without the forecastable irony, were served an injustice. The worst thing about it is that Never Gonna Give You Up is a far better song than 90% of that list. No, wait. It’s out of 100 so correct calculation is easy. Better than 98% of the songs that made that shitty list!

candy snatcher

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