
Archive for the ‘Eww… You’re a Girl & Girls Suck!’ Category

I wish i was Joey Jeremiah – Eww… You’re a Girl & Girls Suck!

Oh the days when i would sit in my school’s library trawling the internet for bands like this. Terribly named pop punk bands from the late 90’s, usually from Canada, a reach of only their neighbourhood and friends, with Geocities homepages built with incommensurate effort showing them living their suburban teenage punk rock dreams. If they had songs about Degrassi then all the better – all the more readily latched on to. The lyrics write themselves. I wish i were Archie “Snake” Simpson because Melanie would have a crush on me and i would actually heed and fall in love with her bungling, not somehow remain dense to it, and never give up on it. I should start a band and write a song about it.

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