
Archive for the ‘Elements of Need’ Category


Scale – Elements of Need

Featuring one Eric Wareheim. I guess that’s news to no one. This song sounds so eerie. It broods in someplace very dark, and very private. Even the way it was recorded seems to isolate all the EMOTION within solely to the band playing it. The way it sounds – “imperfectly” recorded, nothing in your face, nothing direct, clear and distinct in your ears, nothing in the way music is supposed to sound – it is Elements of Need exorcising something very much their own, which someone happened to record. It is as though we’re outside whatever room the band is playing in and we can only imagine what’s going on inside. And that weird, out of tune melody line during the quiet part, that sounds like a tape loop of something valvey but is probably just a guitar doing something i don’t know the workings of! This song is so great.


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